Lion’s Den “Do it. Everyday!”

Lion’s Den, a 48-store adult retail chain with a somewhat seamy past, was determined to become a top of mind sexual wellness brand. We needed to position Lion’s Den as a company that understands and respects women, that sees them not as passive recipients of men’s pleasure but as active participants in control of their own satisfaction. And due to network and digital censors, we had to celebrate sexuality and make a trip to Lion’s Den just as “normal” as a trip to the supermarket, without ever mentioning what you can purchase at Lion’s Den!

Doing our part to help women do it better? That feels pretty good indeed.

The Good Stuff: creative campaign, production of TV (network-approved for air during the Super Bowl!), radio, print, custom research, social media content, email blasts, promotional materials, and more


“Fancy is changing the way we’re being seen as a company, and bringing a conversation about sexual wellness out of the shadows.”

— Pete Potenzini, Director of Marketing, Lion’s Den

 see more work for Lion’s Den:


Mask Match


Life by Lion’s Den