How can we make working work for moms?

Oh baby, was Erica Fite's story about secretly bringing her 5-month-old son on a shoot in LA so she could keep breastfeeding a crazy one. As she said, "it was a total parenting disaster" but really, 20 years ago, what choice did she have?

She and Katie Keating had a conversation with Adweek's Lindsay Rittenhouse about how this incident and others affect the way they operate Fancy. As the article explains, Fancy works with women (of all ages, not just 40+, sorry Adweek...) in ways the women themselves design to fit into their lives, and moms are particularly good at making things fit into other things.

At Fancy, we trust everyone to be a grown-up, to know what they're doing, and to do it. We don’t require anyone to be in the office unless there’s a reason such as a brainstorming, a client meeting or happy hour. We can do this because we only work with super-competent people that we totally trust and that helps keep the stress level down. Katie says, "The fact is, moms are super efficient. We have no choice. We get shit done." 

Are you a competent, capable grown-up who wants to help build an agency that works for women? Drop us a line; we'd love to hear from you!


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The intersection of women and design at “Respect Me” opening